Das Lied

University of New Mexico | November 1-3, 2024


We witnessed incredible performances, shared moments of musical brilliance, and now it's time to celebrate the achievements. We are proud to announce the winners of this year's Vocal Artistry Art Song Festival and the scholarships awarded.

Vocal Artistry Division
Russell Miller Award - Cecil Garrison - $1,000
Polyphony: Voices of New Mexico Award - Jennifer Kuchar - $575
Cris & Marilyn Barnes Award - Tzvi Bat Asherah - $550
Schubert Award - Lore Hazard - $500
Carl Halama Award - Shane Hall - $300
Carmoline and Bing Grady Award - Julia Souto de Camargo - $250

Young Artist Division
Louise Bass Excellence Award - Elisandro Reza - $1,000
Quintessence, A Community of Singers Award - Jaylord Lobaton - $575
Opera Southwest Award - Cierra Moore - $275
Brahms Award - Trinity Frostad - $275
Harvey L. Jones Umlaut Award - Maria Bollinger - $200
David Fu Award - Kimberly Jurgen - $100

Music Education/Choral Division
Ann Baltz Award - Zachary Quinn McAlister - $575
New Mexico Symphonic Chorus Award - Adele Baum - $500
New Mexico Performing Arts Society Award - Douglas MacLaren - $350
Albuquerque Institute of Music - Daisha Rivera - $250

Collaborative Piano Division
Tzu-Feng Liu Award - Nathaniel Chang - $500
Air and Hammers Award - Lena Chavez - $300
Albuquerque Music Teachers Award - Hannah Taylor - $150

High School Division
Marilyn Thomas Bernard Award - Eleanor Anderson - $600
Lyda Hendel Award - Zeda Titus - $500
Friends of the Albuquerque Opera Guild - Juniper Blessing - $450
Donna McRae Award - Kadiah Dragone - $300
Denise Baccadutre - William Landahl - $275
Cris and Marilyn Barnes Award - Johanna Miller-Mutia - $250
Albuquerque Music Teachers Award - Bonnie Yuxin Li - $150

Middle School Division
Barbara and Keith Baltz Award - Claire Anderson - $575
Louise and Lynn Loomis Award - Ty Andrews - $200
Sarah Francis Crowder Award - Brooklyn Moreno - $150
Lewis Savar Award - Abby Dolan - $100

City of Albuquerque Awards presented to:
Ty Andrews and Jennifer Kuchar



Sunday, April 10

Trinity at the Marketplace
2520 Chama St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110

2:00 PM
Collaborative Duo Division Masterclass

Albuquerque Music Teachers Association presents this masterclass with collaborative pianist Martha Dalager.

Martha Dalager is a member of the University of New Mexico's Piano Faculty in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She's played with the Music with the Maestro events, the Santa Fe Opera Mosaics, and the Roswell Chamber Series, among others. During her time in Albuquerque, Martha has accompanied hundreds of professional and amateur singers and instrumentalists. She also serves as a choral accompanist for the New Mexico Symphonic Chorus, UNM University Chorus, and De Profundis and is the staff accompanist for the Vocal Artistry Art Song Festival of which she is a founding board member.

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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Located in Keller Hall at the University of New Mexico.

Purchase Tickets
7:00 PM
The Temptation of Song

Mezzo Soprano Jacqueline Zander-Wall and Pianist James Harder invite you to join in a celebration of fourteen years of the VAASF in a recital of enticing works by Rossini, Colibran, Viardot, Mahler, Schubert, Harbison and Villa Lobos. Come and enjoy a tasting of Song.

Recital credits include the Stuttgart Hugo Wolf Gesellschaft, the Hamburg Mahler Verein, the Villa Lobos Ensemble, the Goethe Institute in Moscow and Boston, and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Jacqueline Zander-Wall has performed Chamber Music with the New York Skaneateles Music Festival, the Hamburg Opera, Taos Chamber Music Festival, Montage Music Society, the Aspen Music Festival, the Warebrook Contemporary Music Festival in Vermont and throughout Germany. A proponent of new music Ms. Zander-Wall has sung with L’art pour l’art in Frankfurt, Chaosmas in Moscow and Boston, and Hamburgs improvisatory Scala Theater.

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After a dual career as a collaborative pianist and psychotherapist in New York City, James Harder relocated to Albuquerque in 2021. He joined the UNM Department of Music Faculty as a Part-Time Vocal Coach in fall 2022. An alumnus of California State University Fresno and Hunter College School of Social Work of The City University of New York, Mr.Harder is thrilled to be working with young artists at a collegiate level.

Festival Schedule

Festival Day 1

Friday, November 17, 2023

All events for will be in in Keller Hall at the University of New Mexico

11:00 AM
Vocal Artistry Division

Advanced Vocal Artists pursuing a classical singing career age 23-30

Performance Times

11:00 - Jasmine A. Sahd - Martha Dalager
            L’Invito/ Gioacchino Rossini
             Claire de lune /Claude Debussy

11:06 - Nadine Adisho - Martha Dalager
            Se a te d'intorno scherza /Gaetano Donizetti
            Chiquitita la novia /Fernando Obradors

11:12 - Mitzy Sotelo - Martha Dalager
           Serenata /Pietro Mascagni
            L’Ulitima canzone /Paolo Tosti

11:18 - Lauren Rodriquez - James Harder
            piccino picciò… /Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
            Die Allmacht / Franz Schubert

11:24 - Tzvi Bat Asherah - James Harder
            Non t’accostare all’urna /Giuseppe Verdi
            Gruppe aus dem Tartarus / Franz Schubert

11:30 - Julia Souto De Camargo - James Harder
            Mi lagnerò tacendo / Vincenzo Righini
            Viola quebrada / Mário de Andrade

11:36 - Shane Hall - James Harder
            Amarilli, mia bella /Richard Pearson Thomas
            Verrat /Johannes Brahms

11:42 - Amanda Porter - James Harder
            Ritornerai fra poco /Giovanni Adolfo Hasse
            Kaddisch /Maurice Ravel


12:00 - Santiago Alfonzo Meza - James Harder
             Chanson à boire / Maurice Ravel
             Sogno / Paolo Tosti

12:06 - Lore Hazard - James Harder
             Pace non trovo / Franz Liszt
             Ouvre ton coeur /Georges Bizet

12:12 - Hope Willenbrink-Marchesi - James Harder
             Il Bacio / Luigi Arditi
             At Saint Patrick’s Purgatory / Samuel Barber

12:18 - Joseph Sevig - James Harder
             Var det en dröm? / Jean Sibelius
             La tua stella / Pietro Mascagni

12:24 - Jennifer Kuchar - James Harder
             Nebbie / Ottorino Respighi
             Try Me, Good King- Anne Boleyn /Libby Larsen

12:30 - Angela Alei - Natalia Ross
             Star Vicino (Anonymous)
             When I Have Sung My Songs / Ernest Charles

12:36 - Cecil Garrison - Martha Dalager
             Cupo è il sepolcro e mutolo / Giuseppe Verdi
             Hell in Texas / Mark Kohn

1:00 PM
Young Artist Performances

Vocal Artists age 18-22

Performance Times

1:00 - Taylor Stanley - Natalia Ross
            L’abbandono / Vincenzo Bellini
            Sole e amore / Giacomo Puccini

1:06 - Cierra Moore - Martha Dalager
           Dolente immagine / Vincenzo Bellini
           The red dress / Ricky Ian Gordon

1:12 - Esther Christensen - Kayla Liechty
          ¿De dónde venís, amore?/ Joaquín Rodrigo
          Povera me /Pauline Viardot

1:18 - Makenzie Shafer - Kayla Liechty
          Sure on this shining night / Samuel Barber
          L’abbandono / Vincenzo Bellini

1:24 - Rebekah Baggerly - Kayla Liechty
          Sonetto XXX / Benjamin Britten
          Chanson pour le petit cheval / Déodat de Séverac

1:30 - Maria Bollinger - Martha Dalager
          Il Zeffiro / Vincenzo Bellini
          Adieu / Gabriel Fauré

1:36 - Axel Catterall - Nathan Cleaveland
          Les Berceaux / Gabriel Fauré
          Canzone per ballo / Ildebrando Pizzetti

1:42 - Elisandro Reza - Kayla Liechty
          Love, Let the Wind Cry”/Undine Smith Moore
          Tempo è alfin di muover Guerra / Stefano Donaudy


2:14 - Kimberly Jurgen - Martha Dalager
           Ah, mai non cessate /Stefano Donaudy
           Loveliest of Trees / John Duke

2:20 - Trinity Frostad - Martha Dalager
           Haï luli / Pauline Viardot
           Il bacio / Luigi Arditi

2:26 - Austyn Knecht - Colleen Sheinberg
           Amarilli, mia bella / Giulio Caccini
           Chi vuol la zingarella /Giovanni Paisiello

2:32 - David Hernandez - Martha Dalager
           Torna ‘a surriento / Ernesto de Curtis
           Beau soir / Claude Debussy

2:28 - Jorge Aldavaz - Kayla Liechty
           Spirate pur, spirate / Stefano Donaudy
           Canción de cuna para dormir a Albertico / Modesta Bor

2:34 - Jaylord Lobaton - Kayla Liechty
           Mattinata / Ruggiero Leoncavallo
           Rast by Franz Schubert

2:40 - Hamilton Gillis - Kayla Liechty
           Vaga luna, che inargenti / Vincenzo Bellini
           Beau soir / Claude Debussy

2:46 - Quiara Cortez - Natalia Ross
           El majo discreto / Enrique Granados
           Spirate pur, spirate / Stefano Donaudy


3:00 PM
Music Education Division

Singers enrolled in a University Choral or Music Education Program no age limit

Performance Times

3:00 - Colton Morrison - Kayla Liechty
            Sole e amore / Giacomo Puccini
            Chanson d’amour / Gabriel Fauré

3:06 - Kacey Eustis - Colleen Sheinberg
            O del mio amato ben / Stefano Donaudy
            Spring Sorrow / John Ireland

3:12 - Dominique Barrera - Kayla Liechty
            Il fervido desiderio / Vincenzo Bellini
            I send my heart up to thee! / Amy Marcy Cheney Beach

3:18 - Douglas MacLaren - Kayla Liechty
            E Filli m’ha detto / Stefano Donaudy
            Del cabello más sutil / Fernando Obradors

3:24 - Zachary Quinn McAlister - Kayla Liechty
            Ideale / Paolo Tosti
            It was a lover and his lass / Gerald Finzi

3:30 - Morgyn Gallegos - Kayla Liechty
            La speranza al cor mi dice / Isabella Colbran
            Viens, mon bien-aimé! / Cécile Chaminade

3:36 - Mackenzie Baker - Kayla Liechty
            Se non piange un infelice / Louise Reichardt
            Au bord de l’eau / Gabriel Fauré

3:42 - Daisha Rivera - Kayla Liechty
           Vaghissima sembianza / Stefano Donaudy
           Into the night / Clara Edwards

3:48 - Nicole Martinez Cumba - Kayla Liechty
           Quella fiamma che m’accendo /Benedetto Marcello
           Lejos de ti / Manuel Ponce

3:54 - Adele Baum - Kayla Liechty
           American Lullaby / Gladys Rich
           Vergin tutto amor / Francesco Durante

4:30 PM
Young Artist Master Class

Lynn Helding

Postings for College Divisions after this class

7:30 PM
Canzonette Italiane Concert
Festival Day 2

Saturday, November 18, 2023

All events will be in Keller Hall at the University of New Mexico

10:30 AM
High School Division

High School Singers grades 9-12

Performance Times

10:30 - Alexandra Raskin - Paul Roth
            Tu Lo Sai/ Giuseppe Torelli
            Après Un Reve/ Gabriel Fauré

10:36 - Ellie Anderson - James Harder
            Pur nel sonno almen talora/ Vincenzo Righini
            Under the Greenwood Tree/Thomas Arne

10:42 - Kadiah Dragone - Martha Dalager
            A Brown Bird Singing/ Haydn Wood
            La Vezzosa Pastorella/Domenico Bruni

10:48 - Isabel Sooros - James Harder
            Placido Zeffiretti/ Vincenzo Righini
            Fairy Lullaby/Amy Mercy Cheney Beach

10:54 - Zeda Titus - Paul Roth
            Cindy/arr. by Althouse
            O del mio amato ben/Stefano Donaudy

11:00 - Violet DeMoss - Martha Dalager
            My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair/ Franz Josef Haydn
            Fiocca la Neve/Pietro Cimara

11:06 - Lily Diaz - Fred Graham
            Spesso per entro al petto/ Barbara Strozzi
            Vergebliches Ständchen/Johannes Brahms

11:12 - Tyler Wildman - Fred Graham
            Ma come potrei/ Ottorino Respighi
            Ditty/ Gerald Finzi

11:18 - Doran Lucker - Fred Graham
            Amarilli, mia bella/ Guilio Caccini
            Wie Melodien zieht es Mir/ Johannes Brahms


11:30 - Juniper Blessing - Fred Graham
           Se tu m’ami/ Alessandro Parisotti
           Now Sleeps the Crimson Pedal/ Roger Quilter

11:36 - Angelina Barcena - Fred Graham
           Danza, Danza Fanciulla/ Francesco Durante
           Mi sueño/ arranged by Kilenyi

11:42 - William Landahl - Martha Dalager
           Che fiero costume/ Giovanni Legrenzi
           Tu lo sai/ Giuseppe Torelli

11:48 - Sofia Salazar - Fred Graham
            Rondine al nido/ Vincenzo de Crescenzo
            I Never Saw a Moor/Richard Pearson Thomas

11:54 - Angela Clary - Martha Dalager
            Beautiful Dreamer/Stephen Foster
            Danza, Danza Fanciulla/Francesco Durante

12:00 - Maya Aldosari - Martha Dalager
            She’s like the Swallow/Arranged by Strommen
            Star Vicino/Arranged by Schoep

12:06 - Kaede Carroll - Martha Dalager
            Chi vuol la zingarella/Giovanni Paisiello
            Love I have Won You/Landon Ronald


12:30 AM
Collaborative Duo Division

Pianists/Singers no age limit

Performance Times

12:30 - Johanna Miller-Mutia - Lena Chavez
            Se non piange un infelice/Louise Reichardt
            The Jolly, Jolly Breeze/John Eccles

12:36 - Bonnie Yuxin Li - Hannah Taylor
            Du bist die Ruh/Franz Schubert
            Me voglio fa’na casa/Gaetano Donizetti

12:54 - Abby Dolan - Nathaniel Chang
            Se tu m’ami/Alessandro Parisotti
            The Leaves and the Wind/Franco Leoni


1:00 PM
Middle School Performances

Young Singers grades 6-8

Performance Times

1:00 - Claire Anderson - Martha Dalager
          Vanne felice rio/Louise Reichardt
          Under the Green Wood Tree/Arturo Buzzi-Peccia

1:06 - Ty Andrews - Kayla Liechty
          I Sail Upon the Dog Star/Henry Purcell
          Spirate pur, spirate/Stefano Donaudy

1:12 - Stella Marin - Martha Dalager
          Star Vicino/Anonymous
          Two Roses/ Hallett Gilberté

1:18 - Brooklyn Moreno - Kathleen Echols
          The Little Horses/Aaron Copeland
          Sull’onda cheta e bruna/Gaetano Donizetti

2:30 PM
High School Master Class

Christòpheren Normura

4:00 PM
From Memory Palaces to Neural Pathways: Training the Singer's Memory for Performance

Presentation by Lynn Helding and Blake Wilson

6:00 PM
Adult Division Recital

Adult Singers age 30 and over

Performance Times

Renato Estacio - Martha Dalager
      Mandoline / Gabriel Fauré
      Widmung / Robert Schumann

Tara Frank - Nathan Cleaveland
      Mattinata / Ruggero Leoncavallo
      Nuits d'étoiles / Claude Debussy

Cynthia Hatley - Martha Dalager
      Le Charme / Ernest Chausson
      Le Temps des Lilas / Ernest Chausson

Deborah Lewis - Nathan Cleaveland
      Beau Soir / Claude Debussy
      Chanson Triste / Henri Duparc

Wendy Barker - Martha Dalager
      Morning in Paris / John Duke
      Romance / Claude Debussy

Kirk Landin - Linus Wang
      Plaisir d’amour / Jean Martini
      Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal / Roger Quilter

David McElhaney - Nathan Cleaveland
      Sei Mir Gegrüsst/Schubert

Allyssa Pehrson - Martha Dalager
      Le Charme / Ernest Chausson
      Wild Rose / Edward MacDowell

Melissa Montoya - Tatyana Baliyeva
      Violon / Francis Poulenc
      Nocturne / Samuel Barber

7:30 PM
Collaborative Piano and Vocal Artistry Master Classes

Kayo Iwama

Before moving to New York City, Reveka Mavrovitis attended the young artist program at the San Francisco Opera (Merola Program) She toured with the Western Opera Theater Production of Madama Butterfly (Suzuki) and sang the same role when the SF Opera Center toured Japan. She was thrilled to return to Japan with the SFOC once again to sing the title role in Carmen. Highlights at the San Francisco Opera include productions of Boris Godunov (Fyodor) and L’Amour de Trois Oranges (Linette), with the company of Opera de Lyons, Kent Nagano, conductor.No stranger to contemporary music, Ms. Mavrovitis sang a concert of Milhaud songs with the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players and sang Crumb’s Night of the Four Moons with Long Beach Opera. While engaged to sing the Madrigal Singer in Puccini’s Manon Lescaut at the Spoleto Festival, Charleston, she also performed, “Three Songs to the Poems by Carl Sandburg”, music by Ruth Crawford Seege.

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Jamie Flora is an American tenor hailed for his "resonant, impeccably-trained voice and fearlessness to his singing". He has sung with companies including Washington Concert Opera, Arizona Opera, Glimmerglass Opera, Opera Company Middlebury, Opera Columbus and others. Equally at home on the symphonic stage, he's sung with the Pittsburgh Symphony, Reno Philharmonic, Erie Chamber Orchestra, and Buffalo Philharmonic.

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Pianist Russel Miller has been a coach and teacher of vocal repertoire at Eastman since 1995. Notable collaborations with vocalists include recitals with Jan Opalach, Jonathan Retzlaff, Frederica von Stade, Julia Broxholm, Robert Swensen, and Marilyn Horne. For twelve years he was the musical director for the vocal quartet "SATB", which performed a wide variety of repertoire from classical chamber pieces to Broadway.

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Nathan Salazar has performed in England, Scotland, Italy, Russia, and in major performance venues throughout the United States. He performed in the International Festival of Spanish and Latin American Music with mezzo-soprano Teresa Berganza. In 2014, he was invited to be part of Marilyn Horne's 80th birthday celebration at Carnegie Hall. Most recently, Nathan was coach and pianist for the company's production of Moravec and Campbell's "The Shining".
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Nathan Salazar is a native of Santa Cruz, New Mexico, and holds a master's degree in collaborative piano from the University of Michigan, where he studied with Martin Katz. He received his vocal and piano performance degrees from the University of Kansas, where he studied with Julia Broxholm and Jack Winerock. Salazar has performed in England, Scotland, Italy, Russia, and in major performance venues throughout the United States. He performed in the International Festival of Spanish and Latin American Music with renowned mezzo-soprano Teresa Berganza and has been featured at Hill Auditorium in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., Boston’s Symphony Hall, and Carnegie Hall in New York City.
He received a fellowship to Songfest in Los Angeles where he studied with pianists Margo Garrett and Graham Johnson. Salazar has worked with composers Jake Heggie, John Musto, Libby Larsen, and William Bolcom. In 2014, he was invited to be part of Marilyn Horne’s 80th birthday celebration at Carnegie Hall, where he worked with Ms. Horne, Martin Katz, and the legendary Christa Ludwig. Salazar has worked with such singers and teachers as Julia Faulkner, Maria Zifchak, Stephen King, Susanne Mentzer, Luis Ledesma, Wolfgang Brendel, Joyce Castle, Neil Shicoff, Stanford Olsen, George Shirley, Angela Meade, Jennifer Johnson Cano, Cecilia Lopez, Kelly Kaduce, Edward Parks, and Susan Graham. He has worked and performed with Serenata of Santa Fe, Skylark Vocal Ensemble, the Santa Fe Desert Chorale, the Santa Fe Opera, The Handel and Haydn Society, The Boston Symphony, and the Boston Lyric Opera, where he most recently worked on the company’s monumental 2019 production of Poul Ruders’ “The Handmaid’s Tale”.
Most recently, Salazar performed with soprano Cecilia Violetta Lopez in recital for Austin Opera, Opera Idaho, Orlando Opera, Opera Las Vegas, Opera Southwest, Opera America, Madison Opera, and Opera Colorado, where he serves as Principal Coach for the Artists in Residence. Most recently, Nathan was coach and pianist for the company’s production of Moravec and Campbell’s “The Shining”. Up next is a performance of MacArthur Fellow Matt Aucoin’s opera “Second Nature”.
Salazar has also served as a voice faculty member at the Boston Conservatory at Berklee, and at the University of New Mexico. Nathan is currently based in Santa Fe, where he enjoys taking care of several chickens and goats.

Festival Day 3

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Keller Hall at the University of New Mexico

2:00 PM
Final Awards Performance

2023 Guest Faculty

We are thrilled to be able to host these talented, wonderful artists.
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Associate Director of the Graduate Vocal Arts Program at Bard College Conservatory of Music
Blake Wilson
Professor Emeritus of Music at Dickinson College
Lynn Helding
Professor of Practice in Voice and Vocal Pedagogy at USC’s Thornton School of Music
Christópheren (Chris) Nomura
Vocal Arts Faculty at the Manhattan School of Music
Olga Perez Flora
Assistant Professor of Voice at the University of New Mexico

From the Community,
For the Community

Vocal Artistry’s Art Song Festival is an annual festival open to all students, singers, and pianists living in the state of New Mexico. Our goal is to encourage the further study, exploration and enjoyment of Art Song repertoire. Open performances by singers and pianists from all over the state are held throughout the weekend before a guest faculty, including international artists and representatives from the best music conservatories. Master Classes and open performances for all levels of singers and collaborative pianists are open to the public. Scholarship Winners are then chosen based on talent and artistic achievement. A final Concert and Reception, open to the public, is held to distribute Scholarship Awards from the Community. From the Community, For the Community.

Affiliated with AMTA Albuquerque Music Teachers Association to further the study of Art Song Repertoire

From the Community,
For the Community

Vocal Artistry’s Art Song Festival is an annual festival open to all students, singers, and pianists living in the state of New Mexico. Our goal is to encourage the further study, exploration and enjoyment of Art Song repertoire. Open performances by singers and pianists from all over the state are held throughout the weekend before a guest faculty, including international artists and representatives from the best music conservatories. Master Classes and open performances for all levels of singers and collaborative pianists are open to the public. Scholarship Winners are then chosen based on talent and artistic achievement. A final Concert and Reception, open to the public, is held to distribute Scholarship Awards from the Community. From the Community, For the Community.


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© 2022 Vocal Artistry Art Song Festival.
Website designed by David Hatley Design