English & American Art Song

University of New Mexico | October 24-26, 2025

Application Form

The Vocal Artistry Art Song Festival April 22-24 is currently in the planning stage. The Application Deadline will be April 1, 2022. Use the fillable application form to complete your application with accuracy. Please be ready to complete the full application at the time of submission as the form will not save unless submitted.

If you prefer to submit your application form by email or hard copy, application forms can be downloaded here for singers and here for pianists.

Basic Information

Festival Divisions

Media Release Form

Song Selections


Master Class Invitations

T-Shirt Size

Application Fees

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REMINDER: Application fee is must be sent prior to application review.
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Digital Application Fee

Application fee of $15 can be made to vocalartistryartsong@gmail.com through PayPal.

NOTICE: Below you will find directions on submitting a virtual performance for those who choose not to come in person. These videos will unfortunately not be eligible for scholarship awards but they will be adjudicated. The performances will be live this year at the University of New Mexico and no video is required unless they cannot attend and are only interested in the comments on their video. We will all adhere to whatever protective policies the University has in place at the time of our performances.

Record and Upload Your Performance

NOTICE: Vocal Artistry is attempting to be in person this year. Things may change as the health of our singers and community are of the utmost importance. We will be accepting virtual applications but if a student chooses to be virtual, they will receive comments but they will not be eligible for Scholarship Awards.  Everyone is still welcome to apply virtually but we will be in person this year for the finals on April 24.

At the beginning of your performance, please introduce yourself and clearly state the following: Your Name, Your Division, Your Repertoire, titles and composers. Your two songs should be recorded in succession on preferably an iPhone or the equivalent. You will not be judged on the quality of the recording, rather on the quality of your performance. You may use recorded or live accompaniment. Don’t forget, if you want one of our staff pianists to record for you must contact us by March 15. No sound enhancements or magnification of sound can be used. Please dress appropriately, as if you were performing for our Faculty in person at a preliminary concert, business to formal wear for all. Follow the recording instructions below, upload your final audition to YouTube (or similar) no later than April 1st, 2022 and send the link to vocalartistryartsong@gmail.com

Recording Instructions

• You should record your video in the spirit of a live audition or recital performance.
• You may record in a home, school, church, synagogue, recital hall, rehearsal room, or voice studio with good natural acoustics with or without an audience.
• You should dress professionally, as you would for a recital or live audition.
• Your camera should record from a fixed position as if three adjudicators were seated in front of you (no panning or zooming of the camera).
• You should face straight forward to the camera as you would appear to adjudicators in a live audition.
the pandemic• Your video recordings must clearly show your face and most of your upper body. You can also show your whole body.

The Collaborative Piano Division is flexible this year due to the pandemic and health concerns. The student pianists may play their accompaniment alone and be recorded and filmed according to the above rules. Their recordings can then be sent to the singer duo partner and the singer can use that for their accompaniment. Both videos will then be submitted to the adjudicators.

Pianists may also of course play with their singer if that is possible. This is up to their own discretion. Neither submission will take precedence over the other. Please rehearse and perform in a safe and virtual manner. There are ways to perhaps perform together but that is at your own health risk. We look forward to hearing you play. Congratulations on working through these challenges.

• Introduce each selection at the beginning of the video: “I am(insert your name) and I will sing—Title of Composition--- by—Composer—and if appropriate—from---Title of Work.” The identity of your teacher or school should not be revealed.
• You must perform each of your selections from memory on your recording.
• We will allow students to record audition videos using prerecorded tracks such as found on Appcompanist, Hal Leonard’s Virtual Library, or other similar sources that offer piano-only accompaniments. YouTube Karaoke Tracks are also acceptable, as long as they are piano only. NO orchestrated tracks or tracks with other instruments or voices will be acceptable and would result in disqualification. It will also be acceptable to use tracks that are recorded by your teacher or your pianist (who know you and your interpretation).
• You must include a copy of your music with your application if you need help with a recorded accompaniment from our staff accompaniments.
• The accompanist may use a page-turner who is not the singer’s teacher.

• Please note that you must select “public” or “unlisted” in the Privacy settings found under the broadcasting and SharingOptions section when uploading your video file to YouTube. • Do not list the video as “private,” adjudicators will not be able to access your submission(s). • The name of the account in which the YouTube video is hosted should not identify the school or teacher in any way.

• The following video problems would make them invalid. While we will attempt to provide an opportunity for members to resolve video issues, invalid videos may result in disqualification without a refund for the student audition fee.
• Videos revealing the teacher’s identity, the region of the singer, or the school they attend.
• Videos with “private’ sharing options (see above).• Videos that pan and zoom during performances.• Videos using additional recording equipment other than the camera.
• Videos that are digitally altered.

The application form for the 2025 Vocal Artistry Art Song Festival is not yet available.

© 2025 Vocal Artistry Art Song Festival.
Website designed by David Hatley Design